ABC scholarship applications are now being accepted for the 2023-2024 school year. The application will now be completed online in a Google form, so please click the link below to access the application.
The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, March 29, 2024.
Mallory St. Denis (Jeff Davis Winner)
Jaxson Rothe
Hunter Flurry
Braeden Fuquay
Adam Fitzgerald
Kenneth Ingram
Jackson Smith
Hunter Hamm
Joe Jefferson
Avery Pyfferon
Alexandro Zubia
Payton Polnac
Brett Dolejsi
Robert Traweek
Ben Bissaillon
Anthony Tritico
Summer Calles
Alexander James
Logan Plemons
Ashley Lee
Addie Fowler
Josiah Norton
Jase Forester
Tessa Woods
Alexandra Marty
Amanda Scherpereel
Benjamin Propes